Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Merry Christmas

A tad late, I know. But, the kids had a great Christmas this year! They loved opening gifts and stockings, and helping Nonnie "redecorate" her tree over and over!

Macie hanging the candy canes for the 50th time.
How cool are they? Ha! This is what "Santa" brought this year. A Jeep Hurricane power wheels. It was a huge hit! Power wheels have come a long way. They now have real working radio's, even though Jax and Macie like to jam out to the spanish station every single time! Oh, and don't you love the sunglasses that Uncle Casey and Aunt Megan stole=) Ha!!

Macie trying to hike that leg up there and hop in!

Just walking out to see what Santa left.

Aren't they adorable? They have all changed so much just since Christmas.

Can't wait to see what this Christmas has in store!!